Welcome to My Jungle!

Friday 18 February 2011

Were you value for money today?

Honesty is the best policy, that's what I was always taught. Hasn't done me any harm either, if I've done something wrong, I don't mind coughing to it, regardless of the consequence because it's the "right" thing to do. But lately I feel the shift, only a small shift but a shift nonetheless. It's no longer appropriate to be "honest" at least not the kind of honest I mean. It now seems that as soon as you try and be honest with someone, you're seen to be having a go, being mean, unreasonable, tactless.

I'm the kind of person who calls a spade a spade. You may not have heard that saying but trust me it exists. I say things as I see them, not with malicious intention but out of pure honest observation. For instance if you've done something well, I will tell you, and mean it. Similarly, if you make me upset or cross, you will also feel my honesty but in a more wrath like sense. I have adopted a "don't get mad get even approach" and not only does it help with issues relating to blood pressure and stress, it's also good for the soul and the whole karma effect.

This post is in no way a flaming session, nor is it relating to anything in particular but upon reflecting on the last term, my feelings have culminated to form an aggregation of the points in this post.

I guess after today's training session on the Autism spectrum, I'm finding myself thinking of not only how difficult it must be, but also that in very subtle ways, we, (me in particular) all have many little traits that could be explained through points on the spectrum. For me things like, liking things tidy, striving for control of situations, obsession with minor details that others would find trivial, even down to my fixation with technology and gadgets.

I'm not Autistic, at least I've never been tested or diagnosed, neither do i intend to be, it wouldn't be a bad thing if I were, in fact it would go a long way to explaining a few things but it did make me think.

I'm not sure if how I started this post is even related to the training done today and my thoughts in it, but what I would like is for people, particularly students, to think about what they are capable of, what they are capable of achieving and what is limiting their ability to succeed. It seems simple to look for strategies that help you when you suffer from something that can be given a title, but when you don't it doesn't mean you don't need to adopt some strategies or change some behaviour to get the best out of yourself. Ultimately, I guess it's about being honest. Being honest with yourself. Can you look in the mirror at the end of each day and say you did yourself justice today, you gave the day your best shot? If you were being paid, were you value for money? Its not the end of the world if you can't, but be honest enough to admit it and look for ways to get better, some will be abundantly obvious, others may take some discovering.

It's a jungle out there, you need to be ready for it when the time comes. If you adopt strategies now, you will be suitably armed in the future.

- BlogPress via iPhone

Tuesday 15 February 2011

QR Codes

A QR Code is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code), readable by dedicated QR barcode readers, camera phones or online software. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be text, URL or other data.

Common in Japan, where it was created by Toyota subsidiary Denso-Wave in 1994, the QR code is one of the most popular types of two-dimensional barcodes. QR is the abbreviation for Quick Response, as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed.

Your homework is encoded in the image below; you will need to use the following website to decode the image: http://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx (Hint: You will need to save the image first then upload it to this website!)

Once you have decoded the homework, follow the instructions within it.

You will need the following website to complete the homework; http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ 
Hint: (You will need to save the QR image you have made!)

When you have completed it, email your homework to ahd@brynelian.conwy.sch.uk

Friday 11 February 2011

Why I Watered down Facebook

Yesterday, I watered down Facebook. By watered down I mean I removed lots of things I no longer use, like apps/groups. I also remove people that I don't keep in regular contact with. Why? Facebook is like an ever replicating beast, and the more people that have your info, the more places it can spread. I am a minimalist by nature and can't handle clutter. It's not that I don't like the people I removed, it's just that in some cases I was fed up of reading the same old status updates, I was also constantly getting updates about people who I haven't spoken to in years and years.

Facebook is weird like that, you can go through life quite normally and suddenly "friend request" pops up. You start to think "wow, I haven't spoken to him/her in years" only to say "hello, how are you?" and then continue not communicating forever more.

The more and more I think about social networking, the more I love it, my new blogging phase is testament to this, and you're reading it so it proves it works. But I am increasingly wanting to keep Facebook "private", for family, very close friends and people I converse with regularly on some level.

The way I am thinking right now is if you want to contact me, Twitter is probably the best way. I would like to say hello to you now and again and have a quick catch up, but I really don't want to know what your daily tarot says or how many people you've killed in mafia wars. Similarly I don't want to see how many animals you have in farmville nor do I want to receive a gift from you in the form of an avatar of a lump of cake!!!

For me, the whole Facebook thing is on it's way out, I emphasise for me as for some it's a vital medium. I now have it as a necessary means of communication for some members of my social circle.

So if you're reading this, and was removed from my Facebook, the chances are, we haven't spoken in a while, probably wouldn't in the near future and you were smack in the middle of my "clean-up". No offence. The ones I REALLY don't like won't even get to see the post on Twitter linking to this!! And if you do follow me or read this and we haven't said hello in a while, you could comment on this telling me how rubbish it is!

Still it could be worse, I could be on MySpace :-)

- BlogPress via iPhone

Monday 7 February 2011

The team photo is finally released of the Ysgol Bryn Elian teachers.

- BlogPress via iPhone

Sunday 6 February 2011

I look forward to my weekend, a chance to spend lots of time with Lincoln and B. Play with Lincoln and his toys, read books to him and generally soak up all the funny little things that he says and does.

The weekend started on Friday evening with a great game of football, I scored what is probably one of the best goals I've ever scored, I moment you need on video to cherish forever, you know like when Owen skipped past all those defenders against Germany in the 5-1 thrashing all those years ago.

Tough evening followed spending most of it (up to 10:30) on the VLE sorting stuff for skills day. But now it's just a case of "just add water" i.e. Log in, for those teaching Year 9 on Thursday.

The second best thing this weekend was the fact it's Double XP on Black Ops, this has resulted in me spending late nights hammering it to get second prestige, with some support from Craig.

On Saturday I took Lincoln to Mummy's Rhythm time class, lots of singing and dancing for the little ones followed by a wet drive home.

Today we went to Mary's mums for lunch, the Joey cooked a super feast after which I was truly stuffed, especially after cramming a chocolate pudding and vanilla custard in!

Then the time came for Chelsea v Liverpool, I must admit I was a little nervous as all the talk surrounded Torres. When he walked on the pitch he looked more up for it than he has for Liverpool for months. Thankfully a goal from Meireles, a Torres substitution and a solid performance for the reds sealed a win. A win that I will no doubt jovially reflecting on tomorrow at school, especially to those unlucky Chelsea fans.

So here I am, it's Sunday evening, the dreaded Dancing on Ice is in the telly so I'm blogging to block out how rubbish it is. Might have a cuppa shortly, which reminds me, I think I've got Lincoln hooked on dipping custard creams in his tea. Then top the night of by playing a few games on call of duty.

So what have you been up to?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday 3 February 2011

It worked!!

I love BlogPress, it also sends the latest post to Twitter with the title and link. Love technology!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

New iPhone App

So here I am sat at home having a look at a blog that a year 7 pupil has made for homework and I et somewhat sidetracked by the option of not only blogging from from m phone but also downloading an app called BlogPress which has some fancy Picasa/Twitter/Blogger integration. I'm writing this post wit it so we'll see how it looks when I send it off into the electrosphere (I've just made that word up!)

Anyway, it looks like the video on how to create a blog was a success an hopefully more will create one now. I'm going to see what the media integration is like by posting a wee mee below.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday 24 January 2011

What I've been up to

Firstly, to any Year 7's who are looking for the homework, it's further down this page ;)

As usual it's been very busy at school, writing Year 11, 12 & 13 reports. Being a Year 12 form tutor meant I had form reports to do too! Lot's of work going on with Year 11 students who are making sure they have completed their OCR National coursework in good time.

I have been a little bit addicted to Call Of Duty just lately so I've had a bit of a break tonight, just got to level 50 (first time around) but don't really want to prestige as I like all the stuff I've got. I have spent this evening doing the business accounts for Rhythm Time, it's a horrible job that I hate doing but it has to be done so there you go. I then installed MyWi 4.0 on my iPhone which allows me to create a WiFi hotspot using my phones Internet connection so if I have no Internet or the school one ever goes dodgy, I am still connected. 


I have spent some time this week uploading Unit 21 screencasts to Vimeo so they run well on the school VLE, saves having to have YouTube open to all in school as this probably wouldn't be very productive.

Aside from school, the business is picking up and Mary is busy with lots of music classes for the lil' babies, Lincoln even goes to the classes and he loves it. Lincoln is so funny now chatting away and copying EVERYTHING we say, better be careful now!
Loads has happened since my last post but writing this I cant think of anything worthy of blogging, Oh apart from getting Year 7 pupils blogging for homework, GENIUS! Great for them to make a diary type entry of what they have done in lessons, also great to look back on too for ideas of things they have done.

So, I'm still sat here all pleased with myself for setting up MyWi, not because it was difficult as it was a piece of cake, but now I CANNOT be left without an Internet connection like I have been a couple of times this week at critical times. 
Anyway, now I'm going to look for an app where I can transfer images from my phone to my desktop wirelessly, I'm sure if a certain person reads this I will get a Tweet about it shortly, if you know of one, Tweet me (link at the top of the page).

Until next time.....byeeeee

Friday 18 February 2011

Were you value for money today?

Honesty is the best policy, that's what I was always taught. Hasn't done me any harm either, if I've done something wrong, I don't mind coughing to it, regardless of the consequence because it's the "right" thing to do. But lately I feel the shift, only a small shift but a shift nonetheless. It's no longer appropriate to be "honest" at least not the kind of honest I mean. It now seems that as soon as you try and be honest with someone, you're seen to be having a go, being mean, unreasonable, tactless.

I'm the kind of person who calls a spade a spade. You may not have heard that saying but trust me it exists. I say things as I see them, not with malicious intention but out of pure honest observation. For instance if you've done something well, I will tell you, and mean it. Similarly, if you make me upset or cross, you will also feel my honesty but in a more wrath like sense. I have adopted a "don't get mad get even approach" and not only does it help with issues relating to blood pressure and stress, it's also good for the soul and the whole karma effect.

This post is in no way a flaming session, nor is it relating to anything in particular but upon reflecting on the last term, my feelings have culminated to form an aggregation of the points in this post.

I guess after today's training session on the Autism spectrum, I'm finding myself thinking of not only how difficult it must be, but also that in very subtle ways, we, (me in particular) all have many little traits that could be explained through points on the spectrum. For me things like, liking things tidy, striving for control of situations, obsession with minor details that others would find trivial, even down to my fixation with technology and gadgets.

I'm not Autistic, at least I've never been tested or diagnosed, neither do i intend to be, it wouldn't be a bad thing if I were, in fact it would go a long way to explaining a few things but it did make me think.

I'm not sure if how I started this post is even related to the training done today and my thoughts in it, but what I would like is for people, particularly students, to think about what they are capable of, what they are capable of achieving and what is limiting their ability to succeed. It seems simple to look for strategies that help you when you suffer from something that can be given a title, but when you don't it doesn't mean you don't need to adopt some strategies or change some behaviour to get the best out of yourself. Ultimately, I guess it's about being honest. Being honest with yourself. Can you look in the mirror at the end of each day and say you did yourself justice today, you gave the day your best shot? If you were being paid, were you value for money? Its not the end of the world if you can't, but be honest enough to admit it and look for ways to get better, some will be abundantly obvious, others may take some discovering.

It's a jungle out there, you need to be ready for it when the time comes. If you adopt strategies now, you will be suitably armed in the future.

- BlogPress via iPhone

Tuesday 15 February 2011

QR Codes

A QR Code is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code), readable by dedicated QR barcode readers, camera phones or online software. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be text, URL or other data.

Common in Japan, where it was created by Toyota subsidiary Denso-Wave in 1994, the QR code is one of the most popular types of two-dimensional barcodes. QR is the abbreviation for Quick Response, as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed.

Your homework is encoded in the image below; you will need to use the following website to decode the image: http://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx (Hint: You will need to save the image first then upload it to this website!)

Once you have decoded the homework, follow the instructions within it.

You will need the following website to complete the homework; http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ 
Hint: (You will need to save the QR image you have made!)

When you have completed it, email your homework to ahd@brynelian.conwy.sch.uk

Friday 11 February 2011

Why I Watered down Facebook

Yesterday, I watered down Facebook. By watered down I mean I removed lots of things I no longer use, like apps/groups. I also remove people that I don't keep in regular contact with. Why? Facebook is like an ever replicating beast, and the more people that have your info, the more places it can spread. I am a minimalist by nature and can't handle clutter. It's not that I don't like the people I removed, it's just that in some cases I was fed up of reading the same old status updates, I was also constantly getting updates about people who I haven't spoken to in years and years.

Facebook is weird like that, you can go through life quite normally and suddenly "friend request" pops up. You start to think "wow, I haven't spoken to him/her in years" only to say "hello, how are you?" and then continue not communicating forever more.

The more and more I think about social networking, the more I love it, my new blogging phase is testament to this, and you're reading it so it proves it works. But I am increasingly wanting to keep Facebook "private", for family, very close friends and people I converse with regularly on some level.

The way I am thinking right now is if you want to contact me, Twitter is probably the best way. I would like to say hello to you now and again and have a quick catch up, but I really don't want to know what your daily tarot says or how many people you've killed in mafia wars. Similarly I don't want to see how many animals you have in farmville nor do I want to receive a gift from you in the form of an avatar of a lump of cake!!!

For me, the whole Facebook thing is on it's way out, I emphasise for me as for some it's a vital medium. I now have it as a necessary means of communication for some members of my social circle.

So if you're reading this, and was removed from my Facebook, the chances are, we haven't spoken in a while, probably wouldn't in the near future and you were smack in the middle of my "clean-up". No offence. The ones I REALLY don't like won't even get to see the post on Twitter linking to this!! And if you do follow me or read this and we haven't said hello in a while, you could comment on this telling me how rubbish it is!

Still it could be worse, I could be on MySpace :-)

- BlogPress via iPhone

Monday 7 February 2011

The team photo is finally released of the Ysgol Bryn Elian teachers.

- BlogPress via iPhone

Sunday 6 February 2011

I look forward to my weekend, a chance to spend lots of time with Lincoln and B. Play with Lincoln and his toys, read books to him and generally soak up all the funny little things that he says and does.

The weekend started on Friday evening with a great game of football, I scored what is probably one of the best goals I've ever scored, I moment you need on video to cherish forever, you know like when Owen skipped past all those defenders against Germany in the 5-1 thrashing all those years ago.

Tough evening followed spending most of it (up to 10:30) on the VLE sorting stuff for skills day. But now it's just a case of "just add water" i.e. Log in, for those teaching Year 9 on Thursday.

The second best thing this weekend was the fact it's Double XP on Black Ops, this has resulted in me spending late nights hammering it to get second prestige, with some support from Craig.

On Saturday I took Lincoln to Mummy's Rhythm time class, lots of singing and dancing for the little ones followed by a wet drive home.

Today we went to Mary's mums for lunch, the Joey cooked a super feast after which I was truly stuffed, especially after cramming a chocolate pudding and vanilla custard in!

Then the time came for Chelsea v Liverpool, I must admit I was a little nervous as all the talk surrounded Torres. When he walked on the pitch he looked more up for it than he has for Liverpool for months. Thankfully a goal from Meireles, a Torres substitution and a solid performance for the reds sealed a win. A win that I will no doubt jovially reflecting on tomorrow at school, especially to those unlucky Chelsea fans.

So here I am, it's Sunday evening, the dreaded Dancing on Ice is in the telly so I'm blogging to block out how rubbish it is. Might have a cuppa shortly, which reminds me, I think I've got Lincoln hooked on dipping custard creams in his tea. Then top the night of by playing a few games on call of duty.

So what have you been up to?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday 3 February 2011

It worked!!

I love BlogPress, it also sends the latest post to Twitter with the title and link. Love technology!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

New iPhone App

So here I am sat at home having a look at a blog that a year 7 pupil has made for homework and I et somewhat sidetracked by the option of not only blogging from from m phone but also downloading an app called BlogPress which has some fancy Picasa/Twitter/Blogger integration. I'm writing this post wit it so we'll see how it looks when I send it off into the electrosphere (I've just made that word up!)

Anyway, it looks like the video on how to create a blog was a success an hopefully more will create one now. I'm going to see what the media integration is like by posting a wee mee below.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday 24 January 2011

What I've been up to

Firstly, to any Year 7's who are looking for the homework, it's further down this page ;)

As usual it's been very busy at school, writing Year 11, 12 & 13 reports. Being a Year 12 form tutor meant I had form reports to do too! Lot's of work going on with Year 11 students who are making sure they have completed their OCR National coursework in good time.

I have been a little bit addicted to Call Of Duty just lately so I've had a bit of a break tonight, just got to level 50 (first time around) but don't really want to prestige as I like all the stuff I've got. I have spent this evening doing the business accounts for Rhythm Time, it's a horrible job that I hate doing but it has to be done so there you go. I then installed MyWi 4.0 on my iPhone which allows me to create a WiFi hotspot using my phones Internet connection so if I have no Internet or the school one ever goes dodgy, I am still connected. 


I have spent some time this week uploading Unit 21 screencasts to Vimeo so they run well on the school VLE, saves having to have YouTube open to all in school as this probably wouldn't be very productive.

Aside from school, the business is picking up and Mary is busy with lots of music classes for the lil' babies, Lincoln even goes to the classes and he loves it. Lincoln is so funny now chatting away and copying EVERYTHING we say, better be careful now!
Loads has happened since my last post but writing this I cant think of anything worthy of blogging, Oh apart from getting Year 7 pupils blogging for homework, GENIUS! Great for them to make a diary type entry of what they have done in lessons, also great to look back on too for ideas of things they have done.

So, I'm still sat here all pleased with myself for setting up MyWi, not because it was difficult as it was a piece of cake, but now I CANNOT be left without an Internet connection like I have been a couple of times this week at critical times. 
Anyway, now I'm going to look for an app where I can transfer images from my phone to my desktop wirelessly, I'm sure if a certain person reads this I will get a Tweet about it shortly, if you know of one, Tweet me (link at the top of the page).

Until next time.....byeeeee