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Monday 24 January 2011

What I've been up to

Firstly, to any Year 7's who are looking for the homework, it's further down this page ;)

As usual it's been very busy at school, writing Year 11, 12 & 13 reports. Being a Year 12 form tutor meant I had form reports to do too! Lot's of work going on with Year 11 students who are making sure they have completed their OCR National coursework in good time.

I have been a little bit addicted to Call Of Duty just lately so I've had a bit of a break tonight, just got to level 50 (first time around) but don't really want to prestige as I like all the stuff I've got. I have spent this evening doing the business accounts for Rhythm Time, it's a horrible job that I hate doing but it has to be done so there you go. I then installed MyWi 4.0 on my iPhone which allows me to create a WiFi hotspot using my phones Internet connection so if I have no Internet or the school one ever goes dodgy, I am still connected. 


I have spent some time this week uploading Unit 21 screencasts to Vimeo so they run well on the school VLE, saves having to have YouTube open to all in school as this probably wouldn't be very productive.

Aside from school, the business is picking up and Mary is busy with lots of music classes for the lil' babies, Lincoln even goes to the classes and he loves it. Lincoln is so funny now chatting away and copying EVERYTHING we say, better be careful now!
Loads has happened since my last post but writing this I cant think of anything worthy of blogging, Oh apart from getting Year 7 pupils blogging for homework, GENIUS! Great for them to make a diary type entry of what they have done in lessons, also great to look back on too for ideas of things they have done.

So, I'm still sat here all pleased with myself for setting up MyWi, not because it was difficult as it was a piece of cake, but now I CANNOT be left without an Internet connection like I have been a couple of times this week at critical times. 
Anyway, now I'm going to look for an app where I can transfer images from my phone to my desktop wirelessly, I'm sure if a certain person reads this I will get a Tweet about it shortly, if you know of one, Tweet me (link at the top of the page).

Until next time.....byeeeee

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Monday 24 January 2011

What I've been up to

Firstly, to any Year 7's who are looking for the homework, it's further down this page ;)

As usual it's been very busy at school, writing Year 11, 12 & 13 reports. Being a Year 12 form tutor meant I had form reports to do too! Lot's of work going on with Year 11 students who are making sure they have completed their OCR National coursework in good time.

I have been a little bit addicted to Call Of Duty just lately so I've had a bit of a break tonight, just got to level 50 (first time around) but don't really want to prestige as I like all the stuff I've got. I have spent this evening doing the business accounts for Rhythm Time, it's a horrible job that I hate doing but it has to be done so there you go. I then installed MyWi 4.0 on my iPhone which allows me to create a WiFi hotspot using my phones Internet connection so if I have no Internet or the school one ever goes dodgy, I am still connected. 


I have spent some time this week uploading Unit 21 screencasts to Vimeo so they run well on the school VLE, saves having to have YouTube open to all in school as this probably wouldn't be very productive.

Aside from school, the business is picking up and Mary is busy with lots of music classes for the lil' babies, Lincoln even goes to the classes and he loves it. Lincoln is so funny now chatting away and copying EVERYTHING we say, better be careful now!
Loads has happened since my last post but writing this I cant think of anything worthy of blogging, Oh apart from getting Year 7 pupils blogging for homework, GENIUS! Great for them to make a diary type entry of what they have done in lessons, also great to look back on too for ideas of things they have done.

So, I'm still sat here all pleased with myself for setting up MyWi, not because it was difficult as it was a piece of cake, but now I CANNOT be left without an Internet connection like I have been a couple of times this week at critical times. 
Anyway, now I'm going to look for an app where I can transfer images from my phone to my desktop wirelessly, I'm sure if a certain person reads this I will get a Tweet about it shortly, if you know of one, Tweet me (link at the top of the page).

Until next time.....byeeeee

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