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Sunday 6 February 2011

I look forward to my weekend, a chance to spend lots of time with Lincoln and B. Play with Lincoln and his toys, read books to him and generally soak up all the funny little things that he says and does.

The weekend started on Friday evening with a great game of football, I scored what is probably one of the best goals I've ever scored, I moment you need on video to cherish forever, you know like when Owen skipped past all those defenders against Germany in the 5-1 thrashing all those years ago.

Tough evening followed spending most of it (up to 10:30) on the VLE sorting stuff for skills day. But now it's just a case of "just add water" i.e. Log in, for those teaching Year 9 on Thursday.

The second best thing this weekend was the fact it's Double XP on Black Ops, this has resulted in me spending late nights hammering it to get second prestige, with some support from Craig.

On Saturday I took Lincoln to Mummy's Rhythm time class, lots of singing and dancing for the little ones followed by a wet drive home.

Today we went to Mary's mums for lunch, the Joey cooked a super feast after which I was truly stuffed, especially after cramming a chocolate pudding and vanilla custard in!

Then the time came for Chelsea v Liverpool, I must admit I was a little nervous as all the talk surrounded Torres. When he walked on the pitch he looked more up for it than he has for Liverpool for months. Thankfully a goal from Meireles, a Torres substitution and a solid performance for the reds sealed a win. A win that I will no doubt jovially reflecting on tomorrow at school, especially to those unlucky Chelsea fans.

So here I am, it's Sunday evening, the dreaded Dancing on Ice is in the telly so I'm blogging to block out how rubbish it is. Might have a cuppa shortly, which reminds me, I think I've got Lincoln hooked on dipping custard creams in his tea. Then top the night of by playing a few games on call of duty.

So what have you been up to?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Sunday 6 February 2011

I look forward to my weekend, a chance to spend lots of time with Lincoln and B. Play with Lincoln and his toys, read books to him and generally soak up all the funny little things that he says and does.

The weekend started on Friday evening with a great game of football, I scored what is probably one of the best goals I've ever scored, I moment you need on video to cherish forever, you know like when Owen skipped past all those defenders against Germany in the 5-1 thrashing all those years ago.

Tough evening followed spending most of it (up to 10:30) on the VLE sorting stuff for skills day. But now it's just a case of "just add water" i.e. Log in, for those teaching Year 9 on Thursday.

The second best thing this weekend was the fact it's Double XP on Black Ops, this has resulted in me spending late nights hammering it to get second prestige, with some support from Craig.

On Saturday I took Lincoln to Mummy's Rhythm time class, lots of singing and dancing for the little ones followed by a wet drive home.

Today we went to Mary's mums for lunch, the Joey cooked a super feast after which I was truly stuffed, especially after cramming a chocolate pudding and vanilla custard in!

Then the time came for Chelsea v Liverpool, I must admit I was a little nervous as all the talk surrounded Torres. When he walked on the pitch he looked more up for it than he has for Liverpool for months. Thankfully a goal from Meireles, a Torres substitution and a solid performance for the reds sealed a win. A win that I will no doubt jovially reflecting on tomorrow at school, especially to those unlucky Chelsea fans.

So here I am, it's Sunday evening, the dreaded Dancing on Ice is in the telly so I'm blogging to block out how rubbish it is. Might have a cuppa shortly, which reminds me, I think I've got Lincoln hooked on dipping custard creams in his tea. Then top the night of by playing a few games on call of duty.

So what have you been up to?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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