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Friday 11 February 2011

Why I Watered down Facebook

Yesterday, I watered down Facebook. By watered down I mean I removed lots of things I no longer use, like apps/groups. I also remove people that I don't keep in regular contact with. Why? Facebook is like an ever replicating beast, and the more people that have your info, the more places it can spread. I am a minimalist by nature and can't handle clutter. It's not that I don't like the people I removed, it's just that in some cases I was fed up of reading the same old status updates, I was also constantly getting updates about people who I haven't spoken to in years and years.

Facebook is weird like that, you can go through life quite normally and suddenly "friend request" pops up. You start to think "wow, I haven't spoken to him/her in years" only to say "hello, how are you?" and then continue not communicating forever more.

The more and more I think about social networking, the more I love it, my new blogging phase is testament to this, and you're reading it so it proves it works. But I am increasingly wanting to keep Facebook "private", for family, very close friends and people I converse with regularly on some level.

The way I am thinking right now is if you want to contact me, Twitter is probably the best way. I would like to say hello to you now and again and have a quick catch up, but I really don't want to know what your daily tarot says or how many people you've killed in mafia wars. Similarly I don't want to see how many animals you have in farmville nor do I want to receive a gift from you in the form of an avatar of a lump of cake!!!

For me, the whole Facebook thing is on it's way out, I emphasise for me as for some it's a vital medium. I now have it as a necessary means of communication for some members of my social circle.

So if you're reading this, and was removed from my Facebook, the chances are, we haven't spoken in a while, probably wouldn't in the near future and you were smack in the middle of my "clean-up". No offence. The ones I REALLY don't like won't even get to see the post on Twitter linking to this!! And if you do follow me or read this and we haven't said hello in a while, you could comment on this telling me how rubbish it is!

Still it could be worse, I could be on MySpace :-)

- BlogPress via iPhone

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Friday 11 February 2011

Why I Watered down Facebook

Yesterday, I watered down Facebook. By watered down I mean I removed lots of things I no longer use, like apps/groups. I also remove people that I don't keep in regular contact with. Why? Facebook is like an ever replicating beast, and the more people that have your info, the more places it can spread. I am a minimalist by nature and can't handle clutter. It's not that I don't like the people I removed, it's just that in some cases I was fed up of reading the same old status updates, I was also constantly getting updates about people who I haven't spoken to in years and years.

Facebook is weird like that, you can go through life quite normally and suddenly "friend request" pops up. You start to think "wow, I haven't spoken to him/her in years" only to say "hello, how are you?" and then continue not communicating forever more.

The more and more I think about social networking, the more I love it, my new blogging phase is testament to this, and you're reading it so it proves it works. But I am increasingly wanting to keep Facebook "private", for family, very close friends and people I converse with regularly on some level.

The way I am thinking right now is if you want to contact me, Twitter is probably the best way. I would like to say hello to you now and again and have a quick catch up, but I really don't want to know what your daily tarot says or how many people you've killed in mafia wars. Similarly I don't want to see how many animals you have in farmville nor do I want to receive a gift from you in the form of an avatar of a lump of cake!!!

For me, the whole Facebook thing is on it's way out, I emphasise for me as for some it's a vital medium. I now have it as a necessary means of communication for some members of my social circle.

So if you're reading this, and was removed from my Facebook, the chances are, we haven't spoken in a while, probably wouldn't in the near future and you were smack in the middle of my "clean-up". No offence. The ones I REALLY don't like won't even get to see the post on Twitter linking to this!! And if you do follow me or read this and we haven't said hello in a while, you could comment on this telling me how rubbish it is!

Still it could be worse, I could be on MySpace :-)

- BlogPress via iPhone

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