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Friday 18 February 2011

Were you value for money today?

Honesty is the best policy, that's what I was always taught. Hasn't done me any harm either, if I've done something wrong, I don't mind coughing to it, regardless of the consequence because it's the "right" thing to do. But lately I feel the shift, only a small shift but a shift nonetheless. It's no longer appropriate to be "honest" at least not the kind of honest I mean. It now seems that as soon as you try and be honest with someone, you're seen to be having a go, being mean, unreasonable, tactless.

I'm the kind of person who calls a spade a spade. You may not have heard that saying but trust me it exists. I say things as I see them, not with malicious intention but out of pure honest observation. For instance if you've done something well, I will tell you, and mean it. Similarly, if you make me upset or cross, you will also feel my honesty but in a more wrath like sense. I have adopted a "don't get mad get even approach" and not only does it help with issues relating to blood pressure and stress, it's also good for the soul and the whole karma effect.

This post is in no way a flaming session, nor is it relating to anything in particular but upon reflecting on the last term, my feelings have culminated to form an aggregation of the points in this post.

I guess after today's training session on the Autism spectrum, I'm finding myself thinking of not only how difficult it must be, but also that in very subtle ways, we, (me in particular) all have many little traits that could be explained through points on the spectrum. For me things like, liking things tidy, striving for control of situations, obsession with minor details that others would find trivial, even down to my fixation with technology and gadgets.

I'm not Autistic, at least I've never been tested or diagnosed, neither do i intend to be, it wouldn't be a bad thing if I were, in fact it would go a long way to explaining a few things but it did make me think.

I'm not sure if how I started this post is even related to the training done today and my thoughts in it, but what I would like is for people, particularly students, to think about what they are capable of, what they are capable of achieving and what is limiting their ability to succeed. It seems simple to look for strategies that help you when you suffer from something that can be given a title, but when you don't it doesn't mean you don't need to adopt some strategies or change some behaviour to get the best out of yourself. Ultimately, I guess it's about being honest. Being honest with yourself. Can you look in the mirror at the end of each day and say you did yourself justice today, you gave the day your best shot? If you were being paid, were you value for money? Its not the end of the world if you can't, but be honest enough to admit it and look for ways to get better, some will be abundantly obvious, others may take some discovering.

It's a jungle out there, you need to be ready for it when the time comes. If you adopt strategies now, you will be suitably armed in the future.

- BlogPress via iPhone

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Friday 18 February 2011

Were you value for money today?

Honesty is the best policy, that's what I was always taught. Hasn't done me any harm either, if I've done something wrong, I don't mind coughing to it, regardless of the consequence because it's the "right" thing to do. But lately I feel the shift, only a small shift but a shift nonetheless. It's no longer appropriate to be "honest" at least not the kind of honest I mean. It now seems that as soon as you try and be honest with someone, you're seen to be having a go, being mean, unreasonable, tactless.

I'm the kind of person who calls a spade a spade. You may not have heard that saying but trust me it exists. I say things as I see them, not with malicious intention but out of pure honest observation. For instance if you've done something well, I will tell you, and mean it. Similarly, if you make me upset or cross, you will also feel my honesty but in a more wrath like sense. I have adopted a "don't get mad get even approach" and not only does it help with issues relating to blood pressure and stress, it's also good for the soul and the whole karma effect.

This post is in no way a flaming session, nor is it relating to anything in particular but upon reflecting on the last term, my feelings have culminated to form an aggregation of the points in this post.

I guess after today's training session on the Autism spectrum, I'm finding myself thinking of not only how difficult it must be, but also that in very subtle ways, we, (me in particular) all have many little traits that could be explained through points on the spectrum. For me things like, liking things tidy, striving for control of situations, obsession with minor details that others would find trivial, even down to my fixation with technology and gadgets.

I'm not Autistic, at least I've never been tested or diagnosed, neither do i intend to be, it wouldn't be a bad thing if I were, in fact it would go a long way to explaining a few things but it did make me think.

I'm not sure if how I started this post is even related to the training done today and my thoughts in it, but what I would like is for people, particularly students, to think about what they are capable of, what they are capable of achieving and what is limiting their ability to succeed. It seems simple to look for strategies that help you when you suffer from something that can be given a title, but when you don't it doesn't mean you don't need to adopt some strategies or change some behaviour to get the best out of yourself. Ultimately, I guess it's about being honest. Being honest with yourself. Can you look in the mirror at the end of each day and say you did yourself justice today, you gave the day your best shot? If you were being paid, were you value for money? Its not the end of the world if you can't, but be honest enough to admit it and look for ways to get better, some will be abundantly obvious, others may take some discovering.

It's a jungle out there, you need to be ready for it when the time comes. If you adopt strategies now, you will be suitably armed in the future.

- BlogPress via iPhone

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