Welcome to My Jungle!

Monday 30 August 2010

It's Bank Holiday Monday!

The sun is shining, there's not a cloud in the sky! Bloody typical
seeing as school starts this week. Although I'm pleased about the
weather as we are going to the famous BBQ at Joey's. The last one was
a belter!

Can't believe the holidays are almost over, still, I managed to spend
lots of time with Lincoln, get loads of jobs done.

Anyway, better go get ready for the BBQ!

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Monday 30 August 2010

It's Bank Holiday Monday!

The sun is shining, there's not a cloud in the sky! Bloody typical
seeing as school starts this week. Although I'm pleased about the
weather as we are going to the famous BBQ at Joey's. The last one was
a belter!

Can't believe the holidays are almost over, still, I managed to spend
lots of time with Lincoln, get loads of jobs done.

Anyway, better go get ready for the BBQ!

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