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Wednesday 18 August 2010

All tidy and clean

Had a mad busy day today, done both of the gardens today including the horrible weeding bit between the cracks of the slabs.

Then I moved onto cleaning both the vehicles, Mary's first (what a mess), then mine (an even bigger mess after transporting loads of wood to the recycling centre!)

Played a bit of football with Lincoln in the (newly cut) garden and pushed him on his swing for a bit, he seemed so chilled in his swing.

Finished off the day with a nice meal with B. Just sorted a few old cd's out, why do we keep cd's ages when we know we don't need them? That old phrase "You never know when you might need that" is responsible for loads of junk, well this holiday I have got rid of loads of old tat and feel great for doing it, my head is clear now. Probably me just being a little OCD, or should I say CDO, it's the same as OCD but in the right order!!

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Wednesday 18 August 2010

All tidy and clean

Had a mad busy day today, done both of the gardens today including the horrible weeding bit between the cracks of the slabs.

Then I moved onto cleaning both the vehicles, Mary's first (what a mess), then mine (an even bigger mess after transporting loads of wood to the recycling centre!)

Played a bit of football with Lincoln in the (newly cut) garden and pushed him on his swing for a bit, he seemed so chilled in his swing.

Finished off the day with a nice meal with B. Just sorted a few old cd's out, why do we keep cd's ages when we know we don't need them? That old phrase "You never know when you might need that" is responsible for loads of junk, well this holiday I have got rid of loads of old tat and feel great for doing it, my head is clear now. Probably me just being a little OCD, or should I say CDO, it's the same as OCD but in the right order!!

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