Welcome to My Jungle!

Monday 30 August 2010

It's Bank Holiday Monday!

The sun is shining, there's not a cloud in the sky! Bloody typical
seeing as school starts this week. Although I'm pleased about the
weather as we are going to the famous BBQ at Joey's. The last one was
a belter!

Can't believe the holidays are almost over, still, I managed to spend
lots of time with Lincoln, get loads of jobs done.

Anyway, better go get ready for the BBQ!

Wednesday 25 August 2010

London fo the second time in less than a week!

Decorated some of the flat today, typical the first bedroom needed
FOUR coats! Looks superb now though. Got some minor general
maintenance jobs done and Dot finished the kitchen, it looks brand

Unfortunately the new bed didn't arrive as promised but will be there
in time for our nice new shiny tenants. I hope they appreciate the
blood and sweat that has been shed this week.

Also had the pleasure of demolishing some old furniture in the drive
as some mental Scottish woman was about to go 'Glasgie' on me!

Drive home was fairly uneventful if you count torrential rain and road
accidents uneventful. Finally arrived home and had a shower, I'm now
paint free (well almost!)

As we set off at 4am I've now been up almost 19 hours, I've got a
cuppa coffee and chocolate biscuits in front of me with my name ALL
over them!!!

Night :-/

Sunday 22 August 2010

All the way to London....to clean!

Just about recovered from a mad busy day in London yesterday. Had to go there to sort our flat out as the last tenants had left it in a state according to the estate agents. When we got there it was much worse than expected. The place looked like it had not been cleaned in years and some of the furniture had been trashed. So we set about putting it right and after a full day scrubbing, mopping and cleaning, its almost back to normal. Another visit on Thursday of this week to paint all the bedrooms and sort some lighting issues out and it will be in tip top condition ready for the new tenants on Saturday.

Set off from London at 16:30 and got to the Indian in Dyserth at 20:28, one chicken vindaloo later and I hit the sack. I feel much more refreshed today and cant wait to get back there to finish the job later this week. Before you know it i'll be back at school.

.........and these are meant to be the holidays!

Wednesday 18 August 2010

All tidy and clean

Had a mad busy day today, done both of the gardens today including the horrible weeding bit between the cracks of the slabs.

Then I moved onto cleaning both the vehicles, Mary's first (what a mess), then mine (an even bigger mess after transporting loads of wood to the recycling centre!)

Played a bit of football with Lincoln in the (newly cut) garden and pushed him on his swing for a bit, he seemed so chilled in his swing.

Finished off the day with a nice meal with B. Just sorted a few old cd's out, why do we keep cd's ages when we know we don't need them? That old phrase "You never know when you might need that" is responsible for loads of junk, well this holiday I have got rid of loads of old tat and feel great for doing it, my head is clear now. Probably me just being a little OCD, or should I say CDO, it's the same as OCD but in the right order!!

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Summer Holidays

Right, I have been really bad at updating my blog lately so from now on I am really going to try and make an effort to "blog" whenever I can! Obviously with a 13 month old rascal literally running around the house it can be a little tricky to grab five minutes to document my thoughts but I really am going to try.

I've also changed the theme a little too, got bored with the other one. I toyed with the idea of 0s and 1as but thought better of that. Don't want to be predictable/stereotypical. Fancied a change.

So yes, Lincoln is walking/running, need eyes in the back of our heads, he crawls up to something he can climb up on and away he goes. Very very cute though; doesn't seem like two minutes ago since he was born and now I'm ALWAYS on edge waiting for the next bump or fall as he toddles along at break-neck speeds!

2 weeks left of the summer holidays, where did they go? Although we have had lots of fun, Chester Zoo was great and Lincolns favourite animal is without doubt the Elephant, now he's hooked on watching them in Jungle Book, up, 2, 3, 4 etc etc (if you've seen the film you'll know what I mean.

Spent a couple of days in Hull sorting my Mum's garden which was fun, lots of frog rescuing which was unexpected and bizarre!!!!

Just watching the Matrix, (Revolutions, I think) it's just come on, it must be cuppa time too as the cat is staring at me for some treats.

Oh and the best news is the machines at school are all installed and up and running, all with shiny Windows 7 and Office 2010, very swish, cant wait to work with those everyday!

I am determined to blog again soon, maybe even tomorrow, but don't hold your breath, I am doing this post on my school Vaio as my Acer has gone off for a repair. Damn thing keeps overheating so I thought I best book it in before the warranty runs out.

Anyway, better go, B will be sticking her hand up soon or giving me evils to make a cuppa. I've got no choccy biscuits left either, bad times :-(

Monday 30 August 2010

It's Bank Holiday Monday!

The sun is shining, there's not a cloud in the sky! Bloody typical
seeing as school starts this week. Although I'm pleased about the
weather as we are going to the famous BBQ at Joey's. The last one was
a belter!

Can't believe the holidays are almost over, still, I managed to spend
lots of time with Lincoln, get loads of jobs done.

Anyway, better go get ready for the BBQ!

Wednesday 25 August 2010

London fo the second time in less than a week!

Decorated some of the flat today, typical the first bedroom needed
FOUR coats! Looks superb now though. Got some minor general
maintenance jobs done and Dot finished the kitchen, it looks brand

Unfortunately the new bed didn't arrive as promised but will be there
in time for our nice new shiny tenants. I hope they appreciate the
blood and sweat that has been shed this week.

Also had the pleasure of demolishing some old furniture in the drive
as some mental Scottish woman was about to go 'Glasgie' on me!

Drive home was fairly uneventful if you count torrential rain and road
accidents uneventful. Finally arrived home and had a shower, I'm now
paint free (well almost!)

As we set off at 4am I've now been up almost 19 hours, I've got a
cuppa coffee and chocolate biscuits in front of me with my name ALL
over them!!!

Night :-/

Sunday 22 August 2010

All the way to London....to clean!

Just about recovered from a mad busy day in London yesterday. Had to go there to sort our flat out as the last tenants had left it in a state according to the estate agents. When we got there it was much worse than expected. The place looked like it had not been cleaned in years and some of the furniture had been trashed. So we set about putting it right and after a full day scrubbing, mopping and cleaning, its almost back to normal. Another visit on Thursday of this week to paint all the bedrooms and sort some lighting issues out and it will be in tip top condition ready for the new tenants on Saturday.

Set off from London at 16:30 and got to the Indian in Dyserth at 20:28, one chicken vindaloo later and I hit the sack. I feel much more refreshed today and cant wait to get back there to finish the job later this week. Before you know it i'll be back at school.

.........and these are meant to be the holidays!

Wednesday 18 August 2010

All tidy and clean

Had a mad busy day today, done both of the gardens today including the horrible weeding bit between the cracks of the slabs.

Then I moved onto cleaning both the vehicles, Mary's first (what a mess), then mine (an even bigger mess after transporting loads of wood to the recycling centre!)

Played a bit of football with Lincoln in the (newly cut) garden and pushed him on his swing for a bit, he seemed so chilled in his swing.

Finished off the day with a nice meal with B. Just sorted a few old cd's out, why do we keep cd's ages when we know we don't need them? That old phrase "You never know when you might need that" is responsible for loads of junk, well this holiday I have got rid of loads of old tat and feel great for doing it, my head is clear now. Probably me just being a little OCD, or should I say CDO, it's the same as OCD but in the right order!!

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Summer Holidays

Right, I have been really bad at updating my blog lately so from now on I am really going to try and make an effort to "blog" whenever I can! Obviously with a 13 month old rascal literally running around the house it can be a little tricky to grab five minutes to document my thoughts but I really am going to try.

I've also changed the theme a little too, got bored with the other one. I toyed with the idea of 0s and 1as but thought better of that. Don't want to be predictable/stereotypical. Fancied a change.

So yes, Lincoln is walking/running, need eyes in the back of our heads, he crawls up to something he can climb up on and away he goes. Very very cute though; doesn't seem like two minutes ago since he was born and now I'm ALWAYS on edge waiting for the next bump or fall as he toddles along at break-neck speeds!

2 weeks left of the summer holidays, where did they go? Although we have had lots of fun, Chester Zoo was great and Lincolns favourite animal is without doubt the Elephant, now he's hooked on watching them in Jungle Book, up, 2, 3, 4 etc etc (if you've seen the film you'll know what I mean.

Spent a couple of days in Hull sorting my Mum's garden which was fun, lots of frog rescuing which was unexpected and bizarre!!!!

Just watching the Matrix, (Revolutions, I think) it's just come on, it must be cuppa time too as the cat is staring at me for some treats.

Oh and the best news is the machines at school are all installed and up and running, all with shiny Windows 7 and Office 2010, very swish, cant wait to work with those everyday!

I am determined to blog again soon, maybe even tomorrow, but don't hold your breath, I am doing this post on my school Vaio as my Acer has gone off for a repair. Damn thing keeps overheating so I thought I best book it in before the warranty runs out.

Anyway, better go, B will be sticking her hand up soon or giving me evils to make a cuppa. I've got no choccy biscuits left either, bad times :-(