Welcome to My Jungle!

Thursday 3 June 2010


It would appear when I sent my last post it chopped loads off, so here it is.

Since my last post a lot has happened, Y11 have left, ROA is over, the mini has gone and we now have a more practical people carrirer, my BlackBerry is history and i now have an iPhone, Rafa left Liverpool today and there was a crazy shooting in Whitehaven yesterday. I also visited Eirias on Friday for the Year 13 leaving assembly, it was really nice to see the pupils and staff again, mostly! (some were a little funny but I dont give a hoot!) Had a really good time there.

God knows what will have happened by the time I post again, maybe I will be the new Liverpool manager?! England may have won the World Cup??!?!?

Whatever happens, I will either blog it, twitter it or whatever.


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Thursday 3 June 2010


It would appear when I sent my last post it chopped loads off, so here it is.

Since my last post a lot has happened, Y11 have left, ROA is over, the mini has gone and we now have a more practical people carrirer, my BlackBerry is history and i now have an iPhone, Rafa left Liverpool today and there was a crazy shooting in Whitehaven yesterday. I also visited Eirias on Friday for the Year 13 leaving assembly, it was really nice to see the pupils and staff again, mostly! (some were a little funny but I dont give a hoot!) Had a really good time there.

God knows what will have happened by the time I post again, maybe I will be the new Liverpool manager?! England may have won the World Cup??!?!?

Whatever happens, I will either blog it, twitter it or whatever.


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