Welcome to My Jungle!

Thursday 3 June 2010

Half term

So half term arrived again and apart from Bank holiday Monday which
was a washout, it's been wall to wall sunshine! I've managed to get
the gardening done and the cars washed, had a visit from my dad on the
Sunday which was nice.

We did have a scare with Lincoln on Wednesday when he had a
temperature of 39.4, went to the doctors and they sent us straight to
the hospital! Poor thing has tonsilitis really bad and has lost his

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Thursday 3 June 2010

Half term

So half term arrived again and apart from Bank holiday Monday which
was a washout, it's been wall to wall sunshine! I've managed to get
the gardening done and the cars washed, had a visit from my dad on the
Sunday which was nice.

We did have a scare with Lincoln on Wednesday when he had a
temperature of 39.4, went to the doctors and they sent us straight to
the hospital! Poor thing has tonsilitis really bad and has lost his

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