Welcome to My Jungle!

Friday 18 June 2010

Chinese tat

You know what's really annoying? When you buy an item off eBay in good
faith and all you get is a poorly made piece of Chinese tat! A garbage
charger that doesn't fit in the socket in the car (it falls out as
soon as you start driving, USEFUL!), it's meant to be handsfree and
makes the radio crackle and to top it off it fell apart, don't buy
from ZIMPLEXUK it's not UK it China and the quality is VV POOR!

Thursday 10 June 2010

The World Cup is almost here!

Yes the global phenomenon of football fever is about take hold of the nation once again, and thankfully Stevie G is there to lead the lions out! YBE fantasy world cup I well and truly underway, just a few latecomers to include tomorrow prior to kick off between South Africa and Mexico.

On another note, I didn't manage to get into the Big Brother house, not that I tried but it was superb fun on Twitter pretending I was, had lots of people from Bryn Elian and Eirias going! PUNKED! My sides
still hurt from laughing!

Anyhow, great news today, found out my form next year is 12E, not 100% on who is in that form right now but can't wait!

Bad news is I am stressing about my impending essay, although I do have abfew people to speak to about it to get some information and it will probably involve a visit to Eirias once again.

On the home life front, the wife and I are shattered after chasing a walking (but wobbly) Lincoln around the house, he is fast and loves keys! He has now got over his tonsilitis and passed on the residual sore throat to me and his mummy. To top it off he gets up every morning at half five!

So if you will excuse my, I will bid you goodnight as I go to crash out, Friday tomorrow, lots of Y7 classes
but it's all irrelevant, you know why? The World Cup people, COME ON ENGLAND!


Thursday 3 June 2010


It would appear when I sent my last post it chopped loads off, so here it is.

Since my last post a lot has happened, Y11 have left, ROA is over, the mini has gone and we now have a more practical people carrirer, my BlackBerry is history and i now have an iPhone, Rafa left Liverpool today and there was a crazy shooting in Whitehaven yesterday. I also visited Eirias on Friday for the Year 13 leaving assembly, it was really nice to see the pupils and staff again, mostly! (some were a little funny but I dont give a hoot!) Had a really good time there.

God knows what will have happened by the time I post again, maybe I will be the new Liverpool manager?! England may have won the World Cup??!?!?

Whatever happens, I will either blog it, twitter it or whatever.


Half term

So half term arrived again and apart from Bank holiday Monday which
was a washout, it's been wall to wall sunshine! I've managed to get
the gardening done and the cars washed, had a visit from my dad on the
Sunday which was nice.

We did have a scare with Lincoln on Wednesday when he had a
temperature of 39.4, went to the doctors and they sent us straight to
the hospital! Poor thing has tonsilitis really bad and has lost his

Friday 18 June 2010

Chinese tat

You know what's really annoying? When you buy an item off eBay in good
faith and all you get is a poorly made piece of Chinese tat! A garbage
charger that doesn't fit in the socket in the car (it falls out as
soon as you start driving, USEFUL!), it's meant to be handsfree and
makes the radio crackle and to top it off it fell apart, don't buy
from ZIMPLEXUK it's not UK it China and the quality is VV POOR!

Thursday 10 June 2010

The World Cup is almost here!

Yes the global phenomenon of football fever is about take hold of the nation once again, and thankfully Stevie G is there to lead the lions out! YBE fantasy world cup I well and truly underway, just a few latecomers to include tomorrow prior to kick off between South Africa and Mexico.

On another note, I didn't manage to get into the Big Brother house, not that I tried but it was superb fun on Twitter pretending I was, had lots of people from Bryn Elian and Eirias going! PUNKED! My sides
still hurt from laughing!

Anyhow, great news today, found out my form next year is 12E, not 100% on who is in that form right now but can't wait!

Bad news is I am stressing about my impending essay, although I do have abfew people to speak to about it to get some information and it will probably involve a visit to Eirias once again.

On the home life front, the wife and I are shattered after chasing a walking (but wobbly) Lincoln around the house, he is fast and loves keys! He has now got over his tonsilitis and passed on the residual sore throat to me and his mummy. To top it off he gets up every morning at half five!

So if you will excuse my, I will bid you goodnight as I go to crash out, Friday tomorrow, lots of Y7 classes
but it's all irrelevant, you know why? The World Cup people, COME ON ENGLAND!


Thursday 3 June 2010


It would appear when I sent my last post it chopped loads off, so here it is.

Since my last post a lot has happened, Y11 have left, ROA is over, the mini has gone and we now have a more practical people carrirer, my BlackBerry is history and i now have an iPhone, Rafa left Liverpool today and there was a crazy shooting in Whitehaven yesterday. I also visited Eirias on Friday for the Year 13 leaving assembly, it was really nice to see the pupils and staff again, mostly! (some were a little funny but I dont give a hoot!) Had a really good time there.

God knows what will have happened by the time I post again, maybe I will be the new Liverpool manager?! England may have won the World Cup??!?!?

Whatever happens, I will either blog it, twitter it or whatever.


Half term

So half term arrived again and apart from Bank holiday Monday which
was a washout, it's been wall to wall sunshine! I've managed to get
the gardening done and the cars washed, had a visit from my dad on the
Sunday which was nice.

We did have a scare with Lincoln on Wednesday when he had a
temperature of 39.4, went to the doctors and they sent us straight to
the hospital! Poor thing has tonsilitis really bad and has lost his