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Thursday 19 November 2009

Thursday 19th November 2009 - 00:17am

Just waiting for the wife to get back from the Beyonce concert in Manchester, I have survived the evening with Lincoln, he took his bottle well and slept great, only woke up once because he pulled the cot bumper on his face, a quick cuddle sorted him out. So I have spent the evening watching Die Hard, playing Modern Warfare single player and browsing the net.

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Thursday 19 November 2009

Thursday 19th November 2009 - 00:17am

Just waiting for the wife to get back from the Beyonce concert in Manchester, I have survived the evening with Lincoln, he took his bottle well and slept great, only woke up once because he pulled the cot bumper on his face, a quick cuddle sorted him out. So I have spent the evening watching Die Hard, playing Modern Warfare single player and browsing the net.

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