Welcome to My Jungle!

Sunday 29 November 2009


Well there goes a busy weekend following a busy week. Completed all my reports and caught up with my marking before going to the SSAT National Teaching Conference in Birmingham. Enjoyed listening to former Director General of MI5 Dame Stella Rimmington, very exciting. Thoroughly enjoyed the conference although the train back was a pain. Wasnt so good going back in to school on Friday as I was shattered!
The weekend came and went as it usually does, only this weekend we put the Christmas decorations up. The tree looks really good and Lincoln certainly likes looking at the sparkly lights. All this after the curtain rail came down and caused me a problem today when I had to get tools out of the garage to fix it. Finally got a few games on COD after Liverpool beat the blue rubbish the other side of Merseyside! Must remember to give the Toffee contingent some grief at school tomorrow, especially @TheSime and thinking about it Karl Higgins owes me some TangFastics too!!! Happy Days.

3 school weeks left til Christmas and til I go to Bryn Elian, all getting very exciting now!

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Sunday 29 November 2009


Well there goes a busy weekend following a busy week. Completed all my reports and caught up with my marking before going to the SSAT National Teaching Conference in Birmingham. Enjoyed listening to former Director General of MI5 Dame Stella Rimmington, very exciting. Thoroughly enjoyed the conference although the train back was a pain. Wasnt so good going back in to school on Friday as I was shattered!
The weekend came and went as it usually does, only this weekend we put the Christmas decorations up. The tree looks really good and Lincoln certainly likes looking at the sparkly lights. All this after the curtain rail came down and caused me a problem today when I had to get tools out of the garage to fix it. Finally got a few games on COD after Liverpool beat the blue rubbish the other side of Merseyside! Must remember to give the Toffee contingent some grief at school tomorrow, especially @TheSime and thinking about it Karl Higgins owes me some TangFastics too!!! Happy Days.

3 school weeks left til Christmas and til I go to Bryn Elian, all getting very exciting now!

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