Welcome to My Jungle!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Its that time again!

Half nine at night, cuppa and chocolate! Been on a course today at the Beaufort Park Hotel in Mold, all about the new Essential Skills for Wales which replace the key skills from September 1st 2010.

Lincoln has been ill for almost a week now, he's all bunged up and drippy, didn't stop the lil' fella from grabbing my face to give me a kiss when I came home from school, he then turned and giggled at Mrs H, very funny!

Anyway, cuppa is gettin cold!
Sent by AHD on BlackBerry® wireless device

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Tuesday 2 March 2010

Its that time again!

Half nine at night, cuppa and chocolate! Been on a course today at the Beaufort Park Hotel in Mold, all about the new Essential Skills for Wales which replace the key skills from September 1st 2010.

Lincoln has been ill for almost a week now, he's all bunged up and drippy, didn't stop the lil' fella from grabbing my face to give me a kiss when I came home from school, he then turned and giggled at Mrs H, very funny!

Anyway, cuppa is gettin cold!
Sent by AHD on BlackBerry® wireless device

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