Welcome to My Jungle!

Sunday 10 January 2010

Sunday Morning


Not long had my fave breakfast of scrambled eggs, beans and toast obviously with a bit of HP and a nice strong cuppa coffee.

This morning I have been converting one of my HD videos of Lincoln feeding himself sweet potato. Very funny! Used a program called Handbrake, which, if you havent used is fantastic for converting/compressing videos with no loss of quality.

Staying in today as its freezing outside, although its -1 which I suppose is warm compared to two days ago, almost summer temperatures!

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Sunday 10 January 2010

Sunday Morning


Not long had my fave breakfast of scrambled eggs, beans and toast obviously with a bit of HP and a nice strong cuppa coffee.

This morning I have been converting one of my HD videos of Lincoln feeding himself sweet potato. Very funny! Used a program called Handbrake, which, if you havent used is fantastic for converting/compressing videos with no loss of quality.

Staying in today as its freezing outside, although its -1 which I suppose is warm compared to two days ago, almost summer temperatures!

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