Welcome to My Jungle!

Wednesday 20 January 2010


Currently watching Liverpool v Tottenham and Kuyt has just scored so I am a happy chappy right now. Had a busy day today getting Business Studies class in some kind of order after the mess that was left, feel sorry for the ones who have done things twice or more, there's really no need!

Also working on getting ALL Y10 and Y11 ICT key skills completed in the next few weeks so that's a challenge too.

On the upside I have had lots of positive feedback after putting YBE on Twitter, let the Tweeting commence. @YsgolBrynElian

Sunday 10 January 2010

Sunday Morning


Not long had my fave breakfast of scrambled eggs, beans and toast obviously with a bit of HP and a nice strong cuppa coffee.

This morning I have been converting one of my HD videos of Lincoln feeding himself sweet potato. Very funny! Used a program called Handbrake, which, if you havent used is fantastic for converting/compressing videos with no loss of quality.

Staying in today as its freezing outside, although its -1 which I suppose is warm compared to two days ago, almost summer temperatures!

Thursday 7 January 2010

Bryn Elian

Well its Thursday and only one more day left of my first week at Bryn Elian. I must say its been the most difficult week of my teaching career so far (including TP)!

Starting a new school after being at Eirias for two years proved to be like leaving home, found myself wanting to go back during the first training day.

The Tuesday was even worse as the weather was terrible, snow snow and more snow made my settling in very unsettled! then a snow day followed so I took time out to get some school prep done, felt better after that.

Full day of lessons today, met lots of new pupils, finally starting to get to grips with where they are up to, I think some are just as confused as me but all will be fine, we're on the case big time now!

So friday tomorrow, looking forward to getting a bigger grip on my classes work and setting them on the right track.

Mine (and their) future starts now!
Sent by AHD on BlackBerry® wireless device

Wednesday 20 January 2010


Currently watching Liverpool v Tottenham and Kuyt has just scored so I am a happy chappy right now. Had a busy day today getting Business Studies class in some kind of order after the mess that was left, feel sorry for the ones who have done things twice or more, there's really no need!

Also working on getting ALL Y10 and Y11 ICT key skills completed in the next few weeks so that's a challenge too.

On the upside I have had lots of positive feedback after putting YBE on Twitter, let the Tweeting commence. @YsgolBrynElian

Sunday 10 January 2010

Sunday Morning


Not long had my fave breakfast of scrambled eggs, beans and toast obviously with a bit of HP and a nice strong cuppa coffee.

This morning I have been converting one of my HD videos of Lincoln feeding himself sweet potato. Very funny! Used a program called Handbrake, which, if you havent used is fantastic for converting/compressing videos with no loss of quality.

Staying in today as its freezing outside, although its -1 which I suppose is warm compared to two days ago, almost summer temperatures!

Thursday 7 January 2010

Bryn Elian

Well its Thursday and only one more day left of my first week at Bryn Elian. I must say its been the most difficult week of my teaching career so far (including TP)!

Starting a new school after being at Eirias for two years proved to be like leaving home, found myself wanting to go back during the first training day.

The Tuesday was even worse as the weather was terrible, snow snow and more snow made my settling in very unsettled! then a snow day followed so I took time out to get some school prep done, felt better after that.

Full day of lessons today, met lots of new pupils, finally starting to get to grips with where they are up to, I think some are just as confused as me but all will be fine, we're on the case big time now!

So friday tomorrow, looking forward to getting a bigger grip on my classes work and setting them on the right track.

Mine (and their) future starts now!
Sent by AHD on BlackBerry® wireless device