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Thursday 25 February 2010


Nothing beats a cup of coffee and a Boost while chilling watching the telly
Sent by AHD on BlackBerry® wireless device

KFC? Oh ok then!

Today was not the best of days, tough day at school mainly due to 2 classes, although my year 9 class period 4 made it for it. Just had a KFC to make myself feel better, if you haven't tried the Spicy Texas Wrap you are missing out!!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Start of a new half term

Well half term is over and i've been back at school two days. Half term was awesome, got to spend loads of time with B and Lincoln. He really enjoyed sign and sign, shame I cant go to that every week. Lincoln also went swimming for the first time and really liked it, although he did spend a lot of time watching all the other children splashing about.

What now? Well this Saturday I am at the school doing some VLE training (I know, on a Saturday!) and then after that I am looking to start redeveloping the VLE from the staff side of things, up to now I have been uploading courses left right and centre. Now it's time to develop a staff area as the one at the moment is confusing and for that reason, unused.

I have now finished uploading all my year 8 reports so thats a big job out of the way. Only issue now is a year 10 class that need to realise how important it is to complete coursework, but we'll get there i'm sure (i'm competitive like that and won't lose or let them lose either!).

Really settled at good old YBE now, loving it, and the pupils are superb for the most part.

Anyway, best crack on!

Blog soon! ;-)

Thursday 25 February 2010


Nothing beats a cup of coffee and a Boost while chilling watching the telly
Sent by AHD on BlackBerry® wireless device

KFC? Oh ok then!

Today was not the best of days, tough day at school mainly due to 2 classes, although my year 9 class period 4 made it for it. Just had a KFC to make myself feel better, if you haven't tried the Spicy Texas Wrap you are missing out!!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Start of a new half term

Well half term is over and i've been back at school two days. Half term was awesome, got to spend loads of time with B and Lincoln. He really enjoyed sign and sign, shame I cant go to that every week. Lincoln also went swimming for the first time and really liked it, although he did spend a lot of time watching all the other children splashing about.

What now? Well this Saturday I am at the school doing some VLE training (I know, on a Saturday!) and then after that I am looking to start redeveloping the VLE from the staff side of things, up to now I have been uploading courses left right and centre. Now it's time to develop a staff area as the one at the moment is confusing and for that reason, unused.

I have now finished uploading all my year 8 reports so thats a big job out of the way. Only issue now is a year 10 class that need to realise how important it is to complete coursework, but we'll get there i'm sure (i'm competitive like that and won't lose or let them lose either!).

Really settled at good old YBE now, loving it, and the pupils are superb for the most part.

Anyway, best crack on!

Blog soon! ;-)